If you notice that your engagement has dropped, you may be experiencing one of these moments. Many people have no idea how this happens, and even worse, they don’t even realize that their account is restricted. All this because TikTok does not notify you when this happens to your account. Well, so you really need to first understand what TikTok shadowban is, how to recognize if you are in this situation and what to do in this case.

What is a TikTok shadowban?

Just like on Instagram, Shadowban is when your account is partially or fully blocked on the platform. However, unlike the neighboring network, on TikTok you will not be warned about this block. If you are an active user on TikTok and you notice that your likes, comments and even access to your content has decreased, most likely your account is facing this sort of restriction. Also known as a stealth ban or ghost ban, blocking will prevent your content from appearing on the platform’s “For You” page. And that’s an automatic process by the TikTok algorithm, a restriction placed on accounts, especially when your post violates community policies, crippling their growth. It protects users from copyright issues, spam, threats and inappropriate content. However, do not be discouraged as TikTok shadowban is not definitive and we will talk about it further down. And while you’re in that restriction, you can still post new content. It is only worth mentioning that these videos may not reach 100 views.

How do you know if you are under a TikTok shadowban?

Okay, you already understand what this block is, but how do you know if you’re on it since TikTok doesn’t warn users? This is the most complicated part of all, but as we said above, knowing your account engagement is the first step. So, when your videos started getting less views and likes, it’s time to turn on the alert. Even verified users can join Shadowban if they violate the guidelines. This is part of the platform policy. Here’s a few things for you understand a little better if you are under a TikTok shadowban, check it out:

“For You” Page: make use of TikTok Pro features and check the For You page views. If your page views are coming from “For you” then that’s ok, and if not… it might indicate that you’ve fallen into the block. Videos not uploaded: If your videos show as “under review” or “processing”, you may be on TikTok shadowban Engagement drops: Drastic drops in engagements like views, comments, and likes are a strong sign that you might be blocked.

Unfortunately, there is no TikTok shadowban checker, so keeping an eye out is the only option.

And what causes a shadowban?

There is a set of rules that every user must follow to be on TikTok. And, even if in this set there are no references to the term shadowban, in the platform guidelines you will find the excerpt below: “We will remove any content – including videos, audios, lives, images, comments, links or other text – that violates the Community Guidelines.” Below is some content that may restrict your account:

Spam-like behavior Hate speech Fake news Violence Nudity Drugs Copyrighted music (you might want to use an editing app to help you with that)

The platform relies heavily on automated moderation for these checks and also checks for violations of the guidelines, and they have been very assertive in most cases. In addition, the social network’s users can report videos, triggering a TikTok shadowban.

How long does a TikTok shadowban last?

This is one of those really tricky answers because there is no set period.

Many users report that a ahadowban lasts between two weeks and a month. In the meantime, you need to wait for the platform to suspend the account lock. You can use some tools in the meantime to try and get rid of whatever caused the ban.

What to do about a shadowban?

Just as it’s not easy to find out if you’ve fallen into a shadowban, there’s also no magic formula for getting out of the lockdown. Of course, you can take some steps, trying out a few things and that’s what we’re going to guide through you now. After all, we don’t want you to just stand there waiting for time to pass. But it’s worth using this period to think about your strategies and reread the guidelines so you don’t take more risks. In the meantime, it’s worth trying:

Deleting all your recently uploaded videos, maybe that will solve the problem. Refresh the app and clear the app cache. If it doesn’t work, you can try uninstalling and reinstalling the app. This action has worked for many users, but we cannot guarantee that it will work for you. It all depends on the content and the platform. Avoid spam-like behavior in the app Banned Hashtags: Some hashtags such as LGBTQ, QAnon have been banned and may put your account at risk. Stay tuned on which ones your are using to avoid bans and get to know the 150 most used hashtags on TikTok. Copyright: This type of protected content can lead your account to a TikTok shadowban. Therefore, whenever you use other people’s videos and images, give credit to the original author. Videos with no face, no human voice and no body movement catches the attention of the algorithm. Avoid this type of upload. Be aware of guidelines and content that violates them such as nude scenes, videos with guns, knives, etc.

Finally, we reinforce the importance of being aware of the guidelines and thinking very carefully about the type of content you want to post. There are thousands of creative options to interact with your audience. Do you already know about TikTok for Business and how to use it? In addition to it, there are many other opportunities on the platform. Click here to check out how to get more views on TikTok!

Did you get how TikTok shadowban works and how to avoid it?

If this was useful to you, share it with your friends! It’s worth spreading awareness around!

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